Over at Maisonneuve, Jason Guriel's Pure Product gets a test drive from Michael Lista and Mark Callanan. They give it excellent ratings for performance and reliabilty.
Last October, Ottawa's Writers Festival brought together Edeet Ravel and Andrew Steinmetz to share tips and tricks for developing voice and exploring setting. The event was hosted by Armand Garnet Ruffo. You can hear their hour-long discussion below.
"In this mature second volume of poetry that seems well over before it ever begins, Guriel's obstinately short poems leave us hankering for more...it may well be that rare thing: a collection to be lived with."
Jason Guriel can run but he can't hide from the fact that "Less," which you can find in his new collection Pure Product, is the featured poem on Poetry Daily.
Joe Morello and Len Dobbin, Montreal Drum Fest, 2002
We were shocked to hear of Len Dobbin's passing last night at Montreal's Upstairs Club where he was catching trombonist Ray Anderson. For well over fifty years, Len has been the "go-to" man for anybody who wanted to know anything about jazz in this city. Len was passionate about jazz and knew just about every practitioner who lived here or who was passing through. Len was a broadcaster, radio producer, reviewer, and photographer. A gentle man who will be missed.
Actor Alan Rickman reads poems from Bosnian-Canadian poet Goran Simic's book, Sprinting from the Graveyard (1997), translated by British poet David Harsent. The poems -- written during the seige of Sarajevo -- were retranslated by Simic himself in 2006 and published by Biblioasis under the new title Sarajevo With Sorrow. (Hat tip: Karen Shenfeld).
Above is a word cloud built from the A-E section of the "Compendium of Lost Words," a list of 400 English words that have since turned to dust. You'll find it at the Phrontistery, a website for vocab geeks.
Looking ahead to Dennis Lee's 71st birthday later this summer, Jacob McArthur Mooney offers a spirited assessment -- and, when necessary, sharp defense -- of Mr. Alligator Pie's career.
It's a well-written piece, fluent and lovingly handled, and exactly the kind of engaged, misconception-clearing criticism I wish more younger poets of Mooney's generation would trouble themselves to write (though I'm grateful for those who do: Michael Lista, Alessandro Porco, Mark Callanan, Nick Thran).