Best poetry debut: Paper Radio by Damian Rogers
Best poetry cover: Paper Radio by Damian Rogers
Best title given to a poetry book: The Hayflick Limit by Matthew Tierney
Best-designed collection: Track & Trace by Zach Wells
Best poetry collection I missed In 2008: Shades of Green by Brent Maclaine
Best critical essay: "Hide and Seek: Looking for the Real MacEwen" by Anita Lahey
Best poetry magazine: Arc
Best new literary mag: Riddle Fence
Best new poetry blog: Vox-Populism
Poetry blog I enjoyed despite myself: Lemon Hound
Best interview with a poet: Jason Guriel
Best headshot: Molly Peacock
Best reading tour coverage: Two on a Choo-Choo
Best literary controversy: Jason Guriel's “Going Negative”
Best book of American poetry I read this year: Yellowrocket by Todd Boss
Best book of British poetry I read this year: Third Wish Wasted by Roddy Lumsden
Best rediscovery: The Essential James Reaney by Brian Bartlett
Best poetry anthology about zoos: Penned: Animals in Zoos in Poems
Best poem about grass-eating quadrupeds: “The Golden Book of Bovinities,” from Figuring Ground
Best moment from one of the launches for This Way Out: Lisa Moore autograph
Most anticipated book of 2010 that doesn’t belong to my press: Bloom by Michael Lista
Most anticipated book of 2010 that does: Circus by Michael Harris